Thursday, February 10, 2011

Investigate FDA Withholding

URGENTLY IMPORTANT: FDA Withholding Developmental Toxicity

February 10, 2011

ATTENTION: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry:
Senators; Stabenow, Roberts, Leahy, Lugar, Harkin, Chambliss, Conrad, Cochran, Baucus, McConnell, Nelson, Johanss, Brown, Grassley, Casey, Thune, Klobuchar, Boozman, Bennet, Hoeven, and Gillibrand

FROM: Child Health Advocates. Contact- Gail Elbek 805-967-6845

REGARDING: Physiological, reproductive, and neurological developmental toxicity

Soy fuel for diesel trucks- Great. Soy food and formula for infants- Poisonous!

Accumulation of scientific evidence proves beyond any doubt that the FDA is unreasonably withholding developmental soy toxicity that requires a most important Senate investigation.

Far more than 700 studies as well as NIH, NIEHS, IACC, FDA, scientific conclusions prove that the FDA is knowingly and willingly concealing from the American people evidence of highly toxic developmental (fetus, infants, children) soy poisoning information that is especially proven to cause and promote adverse neurological, reproductive, and physiological health of children.

In August of 2009, the FDA had been formally Petitioned on behalf of Child Health Advocates, requesting that the FDA appropriately label their acknowledgment of developmental SOY-POISONING as public information. The FDA refuses to respond.

We also request Withdrawal of soy infant formulas as proven as developmentally toxic.
Again, the FDA refuses to respond.

The following describes in detail overwhelming evidence concluding deliberate FDA withholding of urgently important developmental soy-poisoning information, while acting against all Food Laws. The FDA continues to illegally conceal from the American people their acknowledgment of massive scientific evidence proving extensive soy-toxicity causation of extremely tragic adverse developmental health.

It is overwhelmingly understood by the FDA Commissioner Hamburg and others that the “natural” soy components of: Estrogenic endocrine disruptors, phytic acid, multiple heavy metals, and inhibitor of several essential developmental enzymes, are each and ALL highly developmentally poisonous to fetus, infants, and children. The FDA fully acknowledges massive evidence that these toxic soy components are especially poisonous to the developing neurological, reproductive, and physiological systems of fetus, infants, and children, while failing their promised duty by refusing public disclosure.

Along with the FDA and several hundred scientific study conclusions, IACC Thomas Insell, CFSAN Michael Shelby, and others also confirm soy has active "endocrine disruptor properties".... equal to pesticides, herbicides, plastics, alcohol, i.e. poisonous WITHOUT public disclosure! In truth there are also scientific studies that compare soy estrogenic components to a form of DES, to highly active estradiol, and to other estrogenic toxins, while soy remains without fair FDA disclosure of estrogenic endocrine disruptor toxicity especially known to damage developmental health.

For more than 12 years, the FDA has known, but publicly conceals soy poisoning confirmation such as stated in this 1999 FDA Federal Register, "GRAS status of soy protein food ingredients did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysinalanine, nitrites, and nitrosamins, trypsin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavones.” Each and all are FDA known as horrific developmental toxins without public disclosure.

As fact, the FDA has NEVER proven soy phyto-toxic foods or beverages to be safe or nutritional, especially NOT during developmental exposures.....especially NOT as a soy infant formula, fed directly into the mouths of babies, sometimes up to 100% of dietary intake, for several months! Alarmingly and without reason, along with the enormous increase in soy-contamination of marketed food products, milk-based infant formulas are increasingly becoming soy-contaminated without any FDA evidence of nutrition or safety, and with mounting FDA evidence of extensive soy poisoning adverse health risks.

Although the FDA concurs with existing massive scientific evidence proving developmental soy poisoning, might it be that because the FDA has for so long encouraged soy consumption (without evidence of safety or nutritional value) that the FDA continues to act with such reckless disregard for developmental health while concealing the toxic truth.

Scientific Evidence Reveals:

1 The FDA quietly acknowledges "soybean, genistein, daidzein" (soy phyto-estrogenic endocrine disruptors) as poisonous on their very own "Poisonous Plant Database," yet maintain soy toxicity as withheld from public information.

At this same time the FDA allows increased marketing of soy products that in fact target infant and children’s foods, while the FDA toxic truth remains withheld from pubic disclosure.

2. The FDA acknowledges that soy is manufactured for: ink, bio-fuels, hydrolic oil, grease, solvents, adhesives, plastics.........and foods, beverages, infant formulas while several hundred published studies prove massive developmental diseases and disorders are soy-toxicity caused.

3. The FDA acknowledges soy phyto-poisonous estrogenic endocrine disruptors and multiple toxic components, transfer to fetus during maternal soy consumption, and again to infant while breast feeding, without disclosure. It is also study proven that male soy consumption can contaminate sperm that fertilizes the egg.

4. FDA acknowledges the 2010 National Toxicology Program (NTP) Brief on soy
formula that reports, “(There is) clear evidence of adverse effects of genistein in
studies with gestational, lactational, and post-weaning treatment." And that
"Daidzein has estrogenic activity of its own."

12 out of the 14 NTP “expert panelists” are proven to have direct or indirect
soy industry funding, thus resulting in intentional biased conclusions in that
“concern” will not be allowed as public information thus choosing to conceal
panels findings of…“concern” in regards to soy’s adverse developmental effects.

The FDA is also aware that this recent NTP report refers to soy as a form of "treatment" due to drug-like toxicity, without public disclosure.

6. The FDA acknowledges that besides soy’s “natural” estrogenic endocrine disruptors, soy is also loaded with fluctuating levels of additional toxic components: phytic acid, heavy metals, (known to damage multiple essential minerals), and inhibits several essential enzymes that are absolutely necessary for normal development. Each and ALL of these soy contaminates are FDA confirmed as Developmental Poisons, without public disclosure!

The FDA does not require any developmental defect follow-ups for the fetus, infants or children exposed to soy poisoning. Soy exposed children are an ongoing undocumented experiment, without FDA disclosure, without the chance for parent understanding. Outrageously tragic!

7. The FDA acknowledges that the highest level soy infant formula ingredients: corn syrup, soy, and sugar…...are each and ALL FDA concluded as
neurological, reproductive, and physiological developmental poisons, while
without public disclosure! Without soy infant formula withdrawal!

8. The FDA acknowledges another NTP report concluding: "Levels of aluminum found in soy (600-1300ng/mL) infant formula compared to human milk level of 4-65 ng/mL." It is CDC confirmed that: "Brain and bone disease (is) caused by high levels of aluminum in the body has been seen in children....Aluminum from the mother can enter her unborn baby through the placenta." No public disclosure!

There is in fact, massive study evidence confirming multiple heavy metals found in soybeans that are proven as especially developmentally toxic, while FDA withheld from public information.

9. The FDA acknowledges that for more than a decade they have been hand delivered a number of scientific studies reported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) from: Drs: Doerge, Sheehan, Newbold, Chang, etc., along with multiple National Institute of Health (NIH) scientists who each and all repeatedly confirm the exact conclusions: extensive developmental soy toxicity causes adverse developmental effects. While FDA withheld from public information.

The FDA acknowledges the existence of massive numbers of published scientific study evidence concluding developmental soy poisoning causation of: premature birth, allergies, asthma, liver, lung, pancreatic disease, diabetes, thymus damage, hypothyroidism, immune deficiency disease, severe gastrointestinal disorders, leukemia, multiple cancers, cancer metastasis, several reproductive disorders and diseases, infertility, gender chaos, homosexuality, seizures, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism, multiple behavioral disorders, and more….. that are all especially proven to be CAUSED by soy poisoning exposure during most fragile fetal, infant and child developmental stages.

According to documented evidence, the FDA acknowledges massive scientific evidence proving UNNECESSARY developmental soy toxicity destruction of health, resulting in pain and suffering for a lifetime, of which continues as FDA withheld from PUBLIC DISCLOSURE.

As the Senate Subcommittee devoted to Children’s Health we request that you urgently investigate. Please question the FDA of their knowledge, in that they are not able to promise any child can escape scientific evidence proving multiple adverse soy poisoning effects.

The FDA is NOT able to argue that soy poisoning steals the good health from a child, and replacing it with a multitude of damaging health effects….of a once healthy child.

Acting against the Combating Autism Act, both HHS Sebelius and FDA Hamburg are required by law to disclose "risk factors" contributing to the cause of autism, while instead are concealing a multitude of valid evidence proving that the natural contaminates in soybeans: estrogenic endocrine disruptors, phytic acid, heavy metals, essential enzyme inhibitors, are in fact repeatedly proven, scientifically confirmed in detail, to cause extensive and irreversible neurological damage that children will suffer from for a lifetime.

It is against food laws that the HHS and FDA continue to refuse to disclose massive evidence proving, in detail, how soy poisoning damages multiple neurotransmitter systems, a known risk factor reported in the cause of autism, and mental retardation.
In addition: Boys are most sensitive to (soy) estrogenic endocrine disruptors, a reason why boys are diagnosed with autism four times more often than girls.

Autism is many times diagnosed in multiple children of the same family, describing that without changing soy diet, encourages multiple autistic children.

Besides available massive study evidence, the increase in soy marketing perfectly coincides with the increasing of autism diagnosis. This is not coincidence, but the cause.

The FDA acknowledges that cancer patients, male and female are commonly told by their oncologist to stop consuming soy products due to the soy-threat of estrogenic endocrine disruptor causation of cancer metastasis........and soy endocrine disruptors sorely interferes with other prescribed hormone drugs! Imagine the health threat to fetus, infants, and children contaminated by soy!

FDA also acknowledges that those who struggle with infertility, or reproductive disorders are commonly physician instructed to STOP eating soy, while FDA known to cause and increase endocrine disorders of the reproductive tract! Imagine the health threat to fetus, infants, and children contaminated by soy!

An article in Men’s Health magazine exposed another example of adult male drinking soy milk and he developed breasts and emotional (brain) issues that became resolved upon doctor’s recommendation to stop consuming soy! Imagine the health threat to fetus, infants, and children contaminated by soy!

The FDA is aware that pet food manufacturers who market healthiest brands of dog and cat foods proudly label "No Soy" and clearly acknowledge soy toxicity for dogs and cats! Imagine the health threat to fetus, infants, and children contaminated by soy!

There is no truthful soy toxicity warning labels for human consumption, for the American public. Repeatedly proven health threats caused by soy contamination of fetus, infants, and children remain FDA concealed. FDA withheld! Ask Why?

Investigate why fetus, infants, and children remain the target of unnecessary contamination from soy estrogenic endocrine disruptors, phytic acid, heavy metals, enzyme inhibitors, without parental knowledge?

Where are the Surgeon General Warnings in regards to developmental soy poisoning: WARNING: Quitting Soy Greatly Reduces Serious Risk To Your Childs Health!

Where is the truth? WARNING: Soy Formulas Are Proven to Cause Physiological, Reproductive, and Neurological Damage To Your Child!

True Fact: The FDA is acting against moral, ethical, and legal duty to protect developmental health while choosing to conceal developmental soy poisoning from a trusting American public. Massive evidence proving soy-destruction to health, remains FDA withheld.

Please ask the FDA: What’s going on? Please ask Commissioner Hamburg why the FDA acknowledges but continues to conceal massive scientific evidence that overwhelmingly PROVES, without doubt, severe and irreversible developmental soy poisoning? Soy as a food-poison can not be FDA denied.

Please ask HHS Sebelius why she is concealing evidence of neurological soy risk factors proven to cause autism and other horrific irreversible developmental brain defects?

Ask: Where is legitimate, accurate, and responsible labeling disclosing developmental soy poisoning?

Where is WITHDRAWAL of soy formula poisoning that is repeatedly proven to cause unnecessary pain, suffering, and potential of premature death of America's once healthy children? Where is withdrawal of soy formula until proven as safe?

Equal to massive destruction of developmental health, documented evidence confirms soy poisoning to be the worst deliberate FDA-caused human tragedy in American history.

I will like to send to you, the members of the Senate Subcommittee on Children’s Health a 223 page compilation of scientific evidence confirming each and every word that is stated in this letter.

Child Health Advocates, and likely the entire American public are most hopeful for your interest to righteously review documented study evidence that will finally put an abrupt end to this enormous and unprecedented magnitude of FDA outrageously reckless behavior that exhibits deception, and fraud.

Thank you very much for your time and utmost concern. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. Each day of delay, more children are unnecessarily soy poisoned.


Gail Elbek
Child Health Advocates
Investigative researcher- Developmental soy poisoning
NTP/CERHR Affiliate
380 N. San Marcos Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

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